Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 23: More Requests...

Got another full request last night. I'm starting to wonder if I should re-query the first few agents I got material requests from. Thinking back, my book has changed a lot from what the first two agent read in my first martial.

One of these agents happens to be for a big agency, which thinking back, I probably shouldn't have queried until now. Yet, it was from those two rejections that several of these changes came to be, as in the story went from...

"quiet girl meets interesting smart guy, talk about their respective hobbies, fall in love, and through him, meets many interesting ghosts, and learns what it means to truly love someone."


"former cheerleader runs into a nerd and engages in a competition of logic and trust with him over a set of disappearing ghosts. love ensues and so do evil spirits, and ultimately, everyone learns the vital importance of sharing information."

I wonder if I should re-query those first agents...